The signing of a Collaborative Framework Agreement for Marine Conservation between the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and Jumuiya Economic Development Secretariat (JKP)
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) and the Jumuiya Economic Development Secretariat (JKP) signed a Collaborative Framework Agreement on Thursday, January 25, 2024. The ceremony took place at the Jumuiya offices, Bustani Close, off Links Road, Nyali, Mombasa, Kenya.
This agreement is geared towards fostering a strategic partnership between WCS and JKP in marine conservation initiatives within the Jumuiya 2030 regional economic development agenda. The focus is on the six coastal counties, addressing critical areas such as fisheries management, ecotourism, marine protection, waste management, blue carbon, and coastal developments.
The primary objectives of this agreement are to collaborate on and synergize efforts in the Blue Economy and marine conservation space, specifically through initiatives like Go Blue and Miamba Yetu. Furthermore, the collaboration aims to prioritize marine conservation initiatives that promote sustainable livelihoods for coastal communities, while also ensuring the protection and conservation of coral reefs and linked ecosystems, including mangroves and seagrasses.
WCS, as a key participant, commits to supporting the identification, co-implementation, and co-funding of projects through the Miamba Yetu program. The organization will develop interventions to transition coastal communities away from practices that degrade reefs and linked coastal habitats. Additionally, WCS will engage in joint activities with JKP on topics such as the protection of reefs, sustainable ocean production, sustainable tourism, and circular economy and pollution.
On the other hand, the Jumuiya ya Kaunti za Pwani will establish linkages with key activities under Go Blue, including the Mikindani Waste Management initiative and the implementation of a Blue Carbon REDD+ project. They will cooperate in the design and joint support of projects under Go Blue 2.0, focusing on Go Blue Growth and Go Blue Environment. Beyond Go Blue 2.0, JKP will engage in joint activities covering the protection of reefs, sustainable ocean production, sustainable tourism, and circular economy and pollution. The organization will also support WCS in coordinating training to build the capacity of Beach Management Units and key county officials in best management practices of coral reefs.
The signing of this Collaborative Framework Agreement represents a significant commitment from both WCS and JKP towards the shared vision of conserving marine resources and promoting sustainable development in the Jumuiya region.
The signing of this Collaborative Framework Agreement represents a significant commitment from both WCS and JKP towards the shared vision of conserving marine resources and promoting sustainable development in the Jumuiya region
For further information, please contact:
Gladys Mnjama: Sector Lead: Financial Services and Investments (JKP)
Tel: +254729394414
Download the PDF version here: Press release on the signing of a Collaborative Framework Agreement for Marine Conservation between the WCS and JKP
About WCS
The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) is a New York not-for-profit corporation dedicated to preserving the world’s largest wild places in 14 priority regions, making significant strides in global conservation efforts. WCS is the convening agent for the Global Fund for Coral Reefs (GFCR) funded programme – Miamba Yetu: Sustainable Reef Investments. The GFCR was launched in 2021 as the first ever blended finance instrument dedicated to mobilising action and financial resources to protect and restore coral reef ecosystems. In 2022, the programme began implementation in Kenya and Tanzania – including the Zanzibar archipelago by supporting businesses that directly or indirectly benefit coral reefs and communities that depend on them. A proportion of grant funding is also provided to further de-risk investments and improve returns for businesses.
Download the PDF version here: Press release on the signing of a Collaborative Framework Agreement for Marine Conservation between the WCS and JKP